Forlanini - Linate - Idroscalo

A complete list of all event venues in the districts of Forlanini - Linate - Idroscalo

Browse this section to find event venues in the Milan districts of Forlanini, Linate and Idroscalo. This is the area with the maximum concentration of facilities in Milan, particularly summer venues, perfect for an outdoor dinner on a summer evening. Find trendy and stylish clubs and venues, suitable for all manners of corporate events.

11 location in forlanini - linate - idroscalo district

Industrial studio in Mecenate

Choose this charming post-industrial venue for large events, both in-person and live-streamed.

icon map Forlanini - Linate - Idroscalo
icon user 1000 People
icon cube 1500 mq

Open Space Mecenate

Italy's largest convention centre, consisting of 4 facilities, suitable for every need

icon map Forlanini - Linate - Idroscalo
icon user 2000 People

Ex factory in Mecenate

A venue of post-industrial charm, boasting high-tech features and contemporary design

icon map Forlanini - Linate - Idroscalo
icon user 700 People
icon cube 1300 mq