Disco-restaurant on the Navigli

Contacts, details and all the information to organize an event at the disco restaurant with Spanish cuisine in the Navigli area in Milan

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icon map Ripamonti

icon user 250 people

Venue Contacts

For corporate events
Phone: +39 02 97381544

For private parties
Phone: +39 02 98670161

Email: info@locationamilano.it

Venue Description

Welcome your guests in a warm, elegant and friendly environment and set out on a journey through Spanish culture, without leaving Milan.

Strikingly beautiful, with dark wooden beams, majolica tables and damask sofas, this is much more than a restaurant, and yet food will be at the centre of your experience.

Whet your appetite with typical Iberian cheeses, such as the “queso manchego”, the “Cabrales” and the famous “queso Mahòn”, from Minorca. Move on to the delicious cured meats, such as the “Jamon Pata Negra” – made from a prized breed of black-hooved pigs. The next step, of course, would be tapas, or another beloved classic of Spanish cuisine: paella. Try the ever-popular “Valenciana” or its variants: vegetarian and fish paella. And you will be just getting started. The “Segundos platos” include such delicacies as pork fillet with ginger and grilled meat and fish (“parrillada de carne o de pescado”). Round it all off with sinful desserts such as Crema Catalana and a vast selection of wines and liquors.

Hire it for a corporate dinner with a fun twist!


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