Disco-restaurant in Cairoli

Contacts, details and information related to the disco restaurant in the center of Milan, perfect also for private parties with music.

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icon map Brera - Moscova - Cadorna

icon user 150 people

Venue Contacts

For corporate events
Phone: +39 02 97381544

For private parties
Phone: +39 02 98670161

Email: info@locationamilano.it

Venue Description

The classics of Italian culinary tradition meet creative innovation in this Milan restaurant.

The very structure of the building echoes the idea of a harmonic mix of old and new: under ancient vaulted ceilings, the space is furnished with modern, functional pieces.

The resulting style is unique and it is reflected both in the venue’s atmosphere and in the menu.

The restaurant is ideally located right across from one of the most iconic buildings in the world: the Sforza Castle.

The restaurant is divided into three levels and has outdoor space, a lounge bar and a stage with a grand piano for sophisticated live musical entertainment.

The decor follows a warm palette, that creates a general sense of relaxed elegance.

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